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Mark Sherwood
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 34

Force And Frequency Training is a weight training system that is designed for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who have three things in mind:1. The desire to develop speed, strength, and power2. Workouts that can be completed in a short amount of time 3. You want workouts that create a minimum of fatigue because:a. You are an athlete who is involved in sports and you must preserve enough energy to be at your best for practice and competition. b. You simply want to avoid the sensation of feeling overly fatigued after working out. 15 Minutes or Less!The chief expectation that is required of you in order to benefit from Force and Frequency Training is the willingness to work out on a frequent basis. The workouts are designed to be done six days per week, but the schedule can be modified to allow you to workout as little as three times per week. The fact that you will be doing high ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings