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Samantha Cayto
Publisher: Samantha Cayto
Pages: 246

Bard didn’t hesitate to run from his old pack when his best friend needed him. His feral years were hard and even a tough gamma would rather live in a pack—so long as it is a good one led by an honorable alpha. The Rogue Pack proves to be the perfect new home for him to make his life. The only thing he lacks is a mate, and he has fought his attraction to the exquisite omega, Loki, for a while. When he is charged with Loki’s care, he is both elated and frustrated. He doubts the brat will ever see him as anything other than a captor. Loki doesn’t understand why his brother forced him to leave their birth pack. No one who knows the answer is willing to tell him. That includes Bard, the annoyingly bossy and always right gamma who has dominion over him. Thwarted from returning to his arctic home, Loki takes his misery out on Bard in the form of bratty behavior. The sad thing is that he wants ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 273 ratings