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Andrew Lowe
Publisher: Vinci Books
Pages: 438

"Just because you don't feel fear, it doesn't mean you shouldn't be afraid."-----DI Jake Sawyer is the brightest star of the Met Police murder squad. Smart, tough and pathologically fearless.Now he’s quit the capital and returned to his home town in England’s Peak District, to investigate the savage murder of his mother, thirty years earlier.When the body of a teenage boy is found in a shallow grave, close to woodland where Sawyer used to play as a child, he’s called in to help decode the killer’s nightmarish methods.But as the victims stack up and the case takes an unexpected turn, Sawyer must risk his own life to hunt the hunter and save an innocent.-----CREEPY CRAWLY is the first book in the DI Jake Sawyer series of dark crime thrillers set in the UK Peak District.If you like vivid characters, spectacular locations and devilish twists, you'll love this page-turning series from one of ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 42 ratings