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Kenneth Harrison
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 48

Learn How to Successfully Potty Train Your Puppy with Ease! 
If you want to know the best way to teach your puppy where and when to use the bathroom, then this book is for you.Here’s the deal:Most dog owners make fatal mistakes when it comes to potty training their puppy.They punish their puppy when accidents happen (bad idea!).They have no clue how to properly control their dog’s environment.They don’t know that nutrition plays a big role in potty training success.Fortunately this book will give you the ultimate approach to potty training your puppy in the most efficient manner possible.Here are a few of the things you’ll discover in this book:Why it is that what you feed your puppy will possibly make or break your success.The proper puppy training mindset you’ll need to be successful.The best way to go about controlling your puppy’s environment to minimize accidents.Common pitfalls ...
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