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T/James Reagan
Publisher: RiverVerse Entertainment
Pages: 444

Beach House Burning is being called "The Feel Bad Book Of The Summer."Whenever some sort of tragedy happens, we all get on the social network of our choosing and declare, "It's time we had a serious conversation about mental health in this country!" then we watch the easy-likes roll in, and that's the end of the discussion.T/James Reagan's, Beach House Burning, is the serious conversation we always claim we need. The novel is both sympathetic and crude, mainly because that's the only way this nation can discuss anything.A decade-and-a-half after Lovetrust, Beach House Burning finds Kurt Jones reconnecting with his friends from high school. During this reunion, each friend reveals that their life hasn't turned out how they thought it would. The only one who achieved their childhood dream is Levi Banes, who's now a Spotify-famous country music star. With the profits from his constant ...
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