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C.A. Hartman
Publisher: 5280 Press
Pages: 260

She can steal your thoughts. And you won’t remember a thing.In a scorching city filled with corruption and brutalized by climate change, Quinn has learned how to survive using her street smarts and technical skill.She can read minds. Not in the woo-woo empathic sense, but by mindjacking, aka illegally downloading someone’s memories and wading through them until she finds the evidence that means payday.That is, as long as she can steer clear of the cops and avoid getting dimed. Totally doable.Until a job goes terribly wrong, and Quinn discovers the real enemy isn’t who she thought it was.And that it’s far more deadly.If you love fast-paced dystopian sci-fi with badass heroines, you’ll love the Mindjacker series!
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 20 ratings