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Kate Canterbary
Publisher: Vesper Press
Pages: 1017

This smart, steamy three-book collection introduces the brothers Walsh -- Matt, Patrick, and Sam -- and their quest to keep their family's third-generation architecture firm going. Between demolition and restoration, they take unexpected tumbles into love. Start the bestselling family series that's been featured on Buzzfeed, Hypable, and USA Today.Underneath It All One hot architect. One naughty schoolteacher. One crazy night that changes everything. Meet Lauren Halsted. It's all the little things--the action plans, the long-kept promises--that started falling apart when my life slipped into controlled chaos. After I fell ass-over-elbow into Matthew Walsh's arms.Meet Matthew Walsh. A rebellious streak ran through Lauren Halsted. It was fierce and unrelentingly beautiful, and woven through too many good girl layers to count, and she wasn't letting anyone tell her what to do. Unless, of ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 457 ratings