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Mark Stephen Taylor
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 149

There does not seem to be a predominant amount of respect for the Lord in these current times in which we live. Let's face it—it's a chaotic world out there, is it not? I would blame most of that on a lack of both teaching and understanding regarding the Creator of the world. However, the existence of God can be clearly seen through the things He has made, which things are quite obvious all around us Yet, it appears that many are not really looking. Why is that, I wonder?It is written that a fear (respect) of the Lord is truly the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Here, Solomon is clearly teaching that belief in God is the necessary prelude to the understanding of solid truth and the acquisition of any knowledge. Beginning is literally first in order of importance; the first principle. In many Biblical passages the fear (respect) of the Lord is to be taught and learned. The ...
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