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JL Musgrave, 50 Things to Know
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 58

Are you a fan of Indiana Jones? Have you always been curious about what archaeologists really do? Want to learn more about the world’s most significant archaeological wonders?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you... 50 Things to Know About Archaeology by JL Musgrave offers an approach to archaeology that is simple and concise. Most books on archaeology tell you information in bulk. Although there's nothing wrong with that, 50 Things to Know About Archaeology answers your questions about archaeology in simple, concise, short paragraphs. Based on knowledge from the world's leading experts, JL Musgrave utilizes academic and public resources to simplify archaeological information for the novice enthusiast. In these pages you'll discover what archaeology really is, the tools of the trade, and the significant archaeological sites that shaped the way we ...
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4 stars from 2 ratings