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Joel Connealy
Publisher: Scriptor Publishing Group
Pages: 720

In the hinterlands of the Third Reich, the boys of Seelow watch with delight their nation's conquests. With each new victory in the field of battle, the young Germans become more devoted than ever to Adolf Hitler, the man who erased the humiliation of the First World War. Blaz, Koby, Ivo, Jarman, and their friends are enlisted into the Hitler Youth to be readied for the day when the Fatherland will call on them.After Germany attacks the Soviet Union, they begin to play a more active role in the war, helping out behind the lines in the east. Disaster strikes at the Battle of Stalingrad, and the Reich is sent into retreat. The Führer demands more troops to stem the tide of Russians and the boys are thrust onto the frontlines of the brutal war in the east where they fight for their country, their friends, and their lives.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 15 ratings