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R.M. Callahan
Publisher: Flock Hall Publishing, LLC
Pages: 228

Monsters do taste better than kibble--but this cat may have bitten off more than she can chew.Pumpkin Spice—Maine Coon cat and part-time familiar—is happy to chase the odd evil spirit off her witch’s property......until she finds a night-gaunt perched above the baby’s window. The terrifying creature is worlds away from the dreamlands: how did it force its way to the material realm? Spice is sure something is fishy in Kingsport, and not in the good, tasty way. Someone is deliberately blurring dimensions, building toward an explosion of power on the winter solstice. But why? Spice is on the hunt for answers—but the longer the nights grow, the faster reality unravels. Only Spice’s sharp wit (and claws!) can save her naive witch from the Dark Yule...if she isn't already too late. Readers love it!*“I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to further stories of Pumpkin Spice. The ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 102 ratings