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Luke Newman
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 222

If you're looking for a way to minimize the risk of weight regain after the gastric sleeve surgery, then keep reading...The gastric sleeve surgery has the potential to change your life as it has for many.But according to, the gastric sleeve success rate is directly tied to patient behavior after surgery.The truth is that some people feel demoralized and frustrated after undergoing surgery. They feel as if their body is fighting against them, especially when they experience a weight loss stall. This could easily lead you to feel fed up and perhaps even depressed. Have I really gone through all this only to realize that I'm not losing any weight?But don't worry, with this book, you'll discover what people who succeed with the gastric sleeve surgery do differently from those that fail. Furthermore, you'll get delicious yet super healthy recipes that will keep ...
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4.5 stars from 86 ratings