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Richard Pett
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 386

A wise woman who knows everything and is always right, and a goblin king who thinks he knows everything and is, apparently, never wrong. Does it sound familiar?"A delightful exercise in the grotesque""Mad and hilarious""Wonderfully playful with a hint of British eccentricity"Join our intrepid duo as they fight off the most fearsome foe the selfish, greedy, cowardly and devious goblins have ever met – scores of horrid giants intent upon sitting on them all until they're squashed! What could possibly go wrong? Find out in award winning fantasy writer Richard Pett’s hilarious new fantasy novel about goblins, giants, beatific glove-puppets, magnificent pigs and the occasional appearances of demonic poultry…And please do leave a review. Thank you!
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 8 ratings