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Dan Friedman
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 354

When a brilliant has-been entrepreneur gets a chance at a new life, he discovers it was just a part of a big scam. After the money gets stolen, he must find and return it—or he might end up dead. David wants three things in life: a successful start-up, a wife, and a family. But a series of struggles and failed relationships drove him to attempt suicide. The only thing preventing him from taking his life is Rick, a good-looking life coach who moves in next door. Rick offers to help David get back on his feet, but that comes with a price. When David meets Rick's beautiful wife, Angela—he knows he's in trouble. After David and Rick raise millions from a questionable investor—someone steals their money, which gets the FBI involved, and Angela's father becomes the main suspect. David's world shatters after Rick and Angela disappear, as he races to find the couple, stay alive, and come up ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 162 ratings