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Virginia Cowles
Publisher: Sharpe Books (November 13, 2018)
Pages: 221

Praise for Virgina Cowles ‘Splendidly readable’ The Sunday Times March 1917. Nicholas II, Emperor of All Russia, is forced to abdicate the throne. Sixteen months later he and his family are viciously murdered by Bolshevik provocateurs under mysterious circumstances. Though more than a century has passed since these events, the tragic history of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna continues to captivate readers. In The Last Tsar & Tsarina, Virginia Cowles offers a thrilling account of the ruler who never desired to wear the crown and the Germanic wife who pushed him to become his own man. From his childhood and indoctrination, to his marriage, coronation and murder, the life of Russia's most stoic tsar was guided by circumstances largely beyond his control. Although a devoted husband and father, Nicholas II proved to be a flawed statesman. His reign was a disastrous and bloody affair. ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 246 ratings