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Lara Norman
Publisher: LPN Publishing
Pages: 160

Christmas will be canceled if he can’t pull off a miracle in a snowstorm.Warren Kline thought getting a second job at the holidays would be easy, and it mostly was. As the new office delivery guy, he sees uptight, Christmas-hating Cora LeGrand every day. She’s brusque and efficient, and something about her makes Warren want to crack her tough shell by December twenty-fifth. His persistence and easy-going nature are close to winning her over, especially when he tells her he’s donating his salary to charity. Cora likes Warren, but her past mistakes and the darkness she glimpses in him cause her hesitation. At the last minute, a Nor’easter and Cora’s busy schedule threaten to ruin his plans. Will Warren be able to overnight Christmas to his new crush, or will the storm wreck their future happiness?A feel-good Christmas story full of romance, sarcasm, humor, and love.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 5 ratings