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Trina Boice
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 51

You're pregnant! Congratulations! Every baby needs to be celebrated, so announcing your pregnancy to your loved ones and friends should be a memorable moment. This book contains 200 creative ways to announce your pregnancy to the father, your other children (if you have others), friends, and loved ones. There is also a section dedicated just for gender reveal parties, as well as some motherly advice from a mom of 4 kids as you embark on this exciting journey. The fun book also contains a list of the most popular baby names and some helpful product ideas to get your pregnancy off to a great start, such as books, pregnancy pillows, exercise DVDs for pregnant moms, even pregnancy tests in case you're not sure. When you're expecting a baby you have a lot of wonderful things to look forward to! With a new infant in your life, you're going to be a family. Whether you're adopting or having a ...
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5 stars from 4 ratings