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Roberta Huckle
ASIN: B07L7B1623
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 233

The Daughter's Friend,A psychological thriller filled with suspense, that will keep you guessing until the end…….Vatavia is Melanie's friend. Only Melanie can see her, only Melanie can hear her.But when Melanie's mother Jade begins to hear and see Vatavia too, it makes her question everything that she believes.And it makes everyone question Jade and the things that they believe as well.And just because you can't see someone, just because you can't hear someone. Does it really mean they're not there? Does it really mean they're not talking? Maybe you're just not looking. Maybe you're just not listening.Sometimes it's hard to tell the truth from a lie. Sometimes it's hard to know who to trust. But how can you trust others, when you can't trust yourself?Vatavia will change their lives forever.Sometimes you have to be careful who you let in!Sometimes you need to keep the doors ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 15 ratings