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Mark Romain
Publisher: Tom Kane Books
Pages: 558

A sadistic killer. A relentless cop. A game of cat and mouse that only one can win.When a horribly mutilated body is discovered lying beneath a taunting message written in its own blood, it quickly becomes apparent to DCI Jack Tyler that he’s witnessing the birth of a terrifying new serial killer.With the relentless media coverage causing panic on the streets, Tyler is put under increasing pressure to bring the case to a rapid conclusion, but the murderer is scarily smart; a ghost who always seems to be one step ahead of the police.Tyler knows that this case could make or break his career, but he doesn’t care about the bad press, or the internal politics; all he’s interested in is finding a way to stop the killer before he strikes again…But what if he can’t…?Jack’s Back is a fast-paced roller-coaster, full of exciting twists and turns that will grip you from the first page to the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 353 ratings