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Laura Durham
Publisher: Broadmoor Books
Pages: 234

An over-the-top Valentine's Day wedding. A poisoned box of chocolates. Will the most romantic holiday of the year become the most deadly? Society wedding planner Annabelle Archer has her hands full with a bride who thinks excess isn't enough. The last thing she needs is a colleague to drop dead after eating a poisoned chocolate. Even worse? Her best friend and caterer Richard Gerard is suspect number one. Can Annabelle clear his name and find the real killer before the murderous cupid unleashes another poisoned arrow? The Truffle with Weddings is the twelfth standalone book in the hilarious Annabelle Archer Wedding Planner Mystery series. If you like larger-than-life characters, madcap capers, and an insider’s look at glamorous society weddings, then you’ll love Laura Durham’s award-winning series. Buy The Truffle with Weddings to read this funny, romantic Valentine's Day mystery today!
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 70 ratings