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Leenie Brown
Publisher: Leenie B Books (January 10, 2019)
Pages: 306

He wished to please her by tolerating her mother. He hadn't expected to find his heart so entangled in her family.In an attempt to right a wrong caused by his dog, Fitzwilliam Darcy extends an invitation for the Bennet family to stay at his home. He is confident he can tolerate Mrs. Bennet and her younger daughters for two weeks if it will please Elizabeth and help convince her to marry him. After all, he is determined to delight Mrs. Bennet by marrying her daughter.As he expects, Mrs. Bennet and her daughters bring laughter and loudness to his home and cause some disturbance to his life. Unexpectedly, he discovers that inviting Mrs. Bennet and her daughters to Darcy House just might be the best decision he has ever made, for his life and his heart will be forever changed.Delighting Mrs. Bennet is the second installment in Leenie Brown's Pride and Prejudice variation series Marrying ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 327 ratings