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Sherry Knowlton
Publisher: Milford House Press
Pages: 284

"With riveting suspense and vivid details, Dead of Winter by Sherry Knowlton brings the towns and forests of SouthcentralPennsylvania to vivid life as cultures and beliefs clash in a searingtale of murder, love, and communal fear.  From flying drones to policeinvestigations and legal wrangling, Dead of Winter will keep youguessing and glued raptly to your reading chair."  - Gayle Lynds, New York Times best-selling author of The Assassins​A lighthearted morning trip to test a new drone turns deadly for attorney Alexa Williams and two close friends when they find a stranger's bullet-riddled body in a remote field in rural Pennsylvania. Next to the dead man is a note that declares: Allahu Akbar.Trying to shake the gruesome discovery, Alexa returns to her busy law practice and personal life. She's representing a Syrian refugee family whose son has been bullied at school. Old love, Reese ...
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