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Deborah L. Cannon
Publisher: Independently Published
Pages: 293

TWO MEN TO LOVE. ONE CHOICE TO MAKE. CAN A BILLIONAIRE ARCHAEOLOGIST AND HIS BODYGUARD WIN HER TRUST?In this “Romancing the Stone” meets “Raiders of the Lost Ark” adventure for women, museum illustrator Lucy Racine is pushed into the fast lane of an international smuggling racket that took place a decade and a half ago. After adamantly resisting his advances, she throws in her lot with billionaire Luke Trevanian to solve the mystery of a valuable, stolen church relic. And although she finds Luke irresistible she never bargained on falling for his bodyguard as well.Charming, charismatic Luke Trevanian and dark, brooding Norman Depardieu seduce Lucy into their shadowy world. Is it the end of her routine life? Yes! These are two mysterious men with secrets, and she is attracted to both. They have the bodies of athletes, the charm of gentlemen and the alluring ways of con artists. Are they ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 15 ratings