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Courtney Bowen
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 242

A magical portal has dropped off Sir Pacaben from the Legends of Arria series into Tarn and Beck’s lives. They need to make a quick escape and find Cecily, Nutmeg, and Eric, who are trapped in the tunnels beneath the enchanted forest.Eric has been captured by a band of cultists and zombies, led by a necromancer, who plan to sacrifice him. Desperate, Nutmeg and Cecily must band together to save Eric.But Miranda and Carroll are possessed by Towasa, god of destruction, and are rampaging through the forest. Cedric, Beck's long-lost father, has returned with the means to destroy Towasa. But can Tarn, Beck, and their friends face Towasa without harming Miranda?Also featuring Tobias, Greg, Shannon, Martin the satyr and Professor Patricia, this omnibus collects 'Tarn & Beck: Into the Tunnels, The Deadly Forest, The Unicorn Foil, Christmas Tales, & Merry Gentlemen & Ladies. This thrilling ...
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