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Elizabeth Trent
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 316

“She was my life, my whole heart, but most of all my soul. Sometimes a person never recovers when they lose their soul.” ~Chase Chase and Naia were high school sweethearts who planned to live happily ever after.But sometimes plans change.Chase Collins has regrets in his life. Merely existing, he walks through each day, not living the life he once planned. Fortunately for him, a second chance slams into him after seven long years. A second chance he’s unable to resist. Naia Donovan’s world was rocked with tragedy two years ago. Since that time, she’s tried to get her life back on track. In her attempts to move forward, she hadn’t planned on constant nightmares haunting her dreams. When she sees an opportunity at her high school reunion to move past the pain, she takes it, not realizing she’s still healing.As Chase and Naia work to rekindle their lost friendship, secrets are revealed ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 32 ratings