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Kelly Jude Melerine
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 302

My name is Kelly Jude Melerine and I’m a proud father of a teenage son named Cade. Cade has autism. Cade has love. Cade has soul. And to those that think I should place Cade in a home, Cade has a home. I write about autism and the effects that it has on my household in my memoir Don’t Squeeze the Spaceman's Taco: Lessons Learned from My Son with Autism. Why the odd title? It's just one of my son's unique phrases that we refer to as “Cadeisms.” My book is very honest and filled with love, laughter and tears. It also provides a glimpse into my own personal childhood growing up along the bayous of southeastern Louisiana with a mother who suffered from mental illness. It was while my mother was at her breaking point that she’d write inspirational poetry. Mom’s poetry guides me through the chaos that consumes my life today. This isn’t a typical self-help guide to coping with ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2 ratings