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Hannah Almalvez, 50 Things To Know
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 70

Were you raised by a Filipino Mom?Are you a Filipina mom and you are wondering if the things that you do is just you or was brought about by how you were raised by a Filipino mother?Do you know a Filipino Mom and you’re wondering how comically odd her parenting is and yet she still remains loving and affectionate to her children?If you answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you...50 Things To Know About Being A Filipino Mom by Hannah Almalvez offers an amusing approach to understanding some parenting styles of most Filipino women that has been observed and passed on to generations. Most books on parenting offers up-to-date parenting style addressing needs of both parents and children. Although there's nothing wrong with that, Filipino mother’s approach to parenting is unique and yet you’ll find that children reared by a Filipino mother grew up to be disciplined and ...
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