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Posey Parks, Shantee Parks
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 594

We have a deep dark bond no one can break.Robert ChandlerThe spunky girl I met in high school stole my heart. She is the love of my life. After college our relationship ended because I was running for the Georgia Senator seat. Nicki was the one to walk away. She said she couldn’t come between me and my destiny.Years later, I am preparing to run for President of the United States. My life is empty without Nicki. I need her back in my life. We have a deep dark bond no one can break, not even the new guy Adam. I’m taking my woman back. Adam JohnstonI was paralyzed by the beautiful mocha woman who sashayed through the party at Jacob Latters Miami Condo. After that night I wanted to know everything about her.Nicki and I dated a couple of times then one thing led to another. My urge to claim her and make her mine was all that plagued me. I moved heaven and earth to be with her. Her ex ...
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