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Megan Jones
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 401

Welcome to the Apex Division.Mission report: There I was, running from my problems when out of bushes came an eagle. I knew it wasn’t human. I knew it was a shifter. A shifter who wanted me to join a special UN task force who were fight the Anti-Western Pledge, a terrorist organisation trying to destroy the world. A shifter who was about to change my life.I’m the most powerful person on the planet. I simply don’t know it yet. To get to the point of knowing it, I must be pushed to the edge of death and back. I must learn to trust again. And I must become part of the Apex Division. The question is - can you grit your teeth during the hard parts to see if I make it? To see if I become powerful enough to get revenge on the people who hurt me.★Come test your limits with me - Emma Cooper ★⚠ Warning: This book contains themes that are hard to deal with ⚠♥♥ For lovers of shape shifters, action ...
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4.5 stars from 7 ratings