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Samantha Cayto
Publisher: Samantha Cayto
Pages: 152

Two omegas with the same radical idea – breaking free from their constraints and taking charge of their own destinies! Shy, brutalized Ryan has a simple goal of carving the best life for himself and his pup that he can. Being accepted into the Rogue Pack has given him that chance. He also harbors the hope of mating with Griffin, the beta he has loved for longer than he should. If only he can make the man see that they are perfect for each other. Putting aside his natural reticence, Ryan has concocted a plan of seduction. Griffin knows that he is lucky to have found a new home with the Rogue Pack. More importantly, so has Ryan. For the first time, Griffin no longer has to worry about the sweet omega’s safety. That should be enough, and yet some stupid part of the beta dares to covet Ryan and dream of making him is own. He knows that Ryan deserves more than a low-level beta as his next ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 278 ratings