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Jerry B. Jenkins
Publisher: Worthy Books; First Edition (August 27, 2013)
Pages: 396

“[T]his suspenseful tale” weaving the apostle’s life with a modern mystery “proves the storytelling mastery of Jenkins. . . . entertaining and . . . uplifting” (Publishers Weekly).A MURDERER who would change the WORLD From multi-million copy bestselling novelist Jerry Jenkins comes a compelling international thriller that conveys you from present-day Texas to a dank Roman dungeon in A.D. 67, then down the dusty roads of ancient Israel, Asia, and back to Rome. A young seminary professor, Augustine Knox, is drawn into a deadly race to save priceless parchments from antiquities thieves and discovers a two-thousand-year old connection with another who faced death for the sake of the truth. I, Saul consists of two riveting adventures in one, transporting you between the stories of Augustine Knox and Saul of Tarsus. Filled with political intrigue, romance, and rich historical detail, I, Saul ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 909 ratings