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Aditya Agarwal
ASIN: B07P3N7883
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 103

Steve Jobs from Apple to Pixar and NeXT, he has changed our lifestyles. One of the biggest reason of his success was his art of motivating people to join his in bringing a change in a society. His famous Reality Distortion Field, was his own way of charming or outraging people in his own favor. He made Reality Malleable. He could change Reality in his favor. Take the below 2 situations and think what you would have done.Imagine you are a boss of tech company, asking your engineer to make the boot time (switch on time) of your device less. The engineer claims it to be impossible to reduce it by slightest mili-second. What would you do?. Keep Thinking Because Steve Jobs Faced a Similar Situation While Developing Macintosh, and the Reply that Steve Jobs Gave, Reduced the boot time By 20 Seconds.Imagine you are going bankrupt, and you are not even having 2 months cash, and you were just ...
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