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Geoff small
Publisher: PublishNation
Pages: 174

It's DCI Pat Curzon's old school's reunion. Tonight, somebody from the Springburn class of '89 will die and somebody will become a murderer. For Curzon, this will be a particularly challenging investigation. Why? Because for the first time in thirty years he'll have to come face-to-face with the bullies who made his school days a living hell, not least by inventing that pejorative nickname: The Dirty Rouge.As if things aren't already complicated enough, somehow the case crosses paths with that of an escaped Swedish serial killer, turning what should be a mundane inquiry into a murky web of political intrigue. Once again, the high-stakes Glasgow cop finds himself having to tightrope walk over the abyss if he is to survive.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 33 ratings