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Brennen Tammons
Publisher: Grassroot Station
Pages: 640

Five men. Five unique personalities. Five different reasons. In "The Celluloid Closet Series", "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained", five men embark in an epic journey, full of several twists and turns. This action packed, suspense, thriller, will have you entertained. A group of men who feel ostracized from society, take on a world of organized crime, each for their own personal agenda. These men who all come from several backgrounds, form a special brotherhood, to obtain the success they seek.Throughout the adventure, many trials and tribulations will form. These events will test these men to their ultimate potential and self worth. How far will these men go to achieve what they truly want? What risks will they be willing to take along the journey? Will they learn any important lessons along the way? Keeping in mind, "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."This story contains strong vulgar ...
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2 stars from 1 rating