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Colleen McManus Hein
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 278

In the sequel to "Spirit Talk," Fiona travels to the psychic research facility with Martin, After her first few days, though, Fiona cannot understand her grandmothers' message sent in a dream: "You have to go because you have to stop them." Stop them from what? Although one building on the grounds is menacingly haunted, the mansion which houses the facility is gorgeous, and the psychic experiments are fascinating but harmless. Phyllis, the woman who runs the facility, is kind and intelligent. As Fiona gets more involved with the other participants, she forgets about her grandmothers' warning...that is, until Richard, Phyllis' husband, comes home. With his appearance, the "real work" expected of the participants begins, culminating in a terrifying chain of events."The Saturn Line" is the second installment in the new paranormal suspense series everyone is spirit-talking about.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 4 ratings