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Michelle Files
Publisher: Green Owl Press
Pages: 416

Dying is simple. Coming back is when things get interesting.Ivy Wells never wanted to die. When she does, she thinks it's all over. It isn't.When the 30 year old mother of two wakes up as a 12 year old, she has to navigate her life all over again. And she remembers everything, including the serial killer who is terrorizing her small town.Over several lifetimes, Ivy battles to save herself, her friends, and even her own children from the vicious killer.Follow Ivy Wells in a desperate race through time as she tries to outwit the person that is killing her over and over.What would you do if a serial killer was tracking you through time?Teens and adults alike will love this mystery, thriller.Ivy Mystery Series:The Many Lives of Ivy WellsThe Many Lives of Sam WellsThe Many Lives of Jack WellsThe Many Lives of Georgie Wells
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 1,057 ratings