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Craftdrawer Crafts
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 65

Vintage Crochet Pillow PatternsCrochet these unique and beautiful pillow patterns from the past that are timeless and make wonderful keepsakes or an addition to your home decor.These great vintage patterns can easily be made by using up your scrap yarn or choose your favorite worsted weight, cotton or thread yarn colors to crochet them with.Make them to add a splash of color to a couch, for a kid’s bedrooms, master bedroom, or just to lay on the floor with!The collection of pillow patterns come from around the 1950’s and 1960’s and have been re-designed for you to love. You can match them to your home décor or make a matching afghan.Additional pages for notes to use to keep track of your patterns and yarn colors are also included for your crochet convenience.These pillow patterns are timeless and have been reimagined for you to crochet.  Crochet them with pillow forms or use stuffing to ...
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