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Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 102

Do you want to…•           Add some life to your home?•           Showcase your green thumb?•           Find a creative outlet that will benefit both your home and environment?If you answered yes to any of these questions then this book is for you. A great introduction to landscaping, whether you are a seasoned green thumbist or not, 50 Things to Know About Landscaping will share helpful tips that will improve your home, cottage or any place you would like to install some greenery.With tools that most of us have in our backyard or garden shed – why not showoff your creative side but also learn the best practices from someone who is in the industry and field.50 Things To Know About Landscaping by Emily Quinn and Merylee Sevilla offers a basic and everyday approach to taking care of your garden and home. From maintenance to when to garden – this book will guide you with 50 simple tips. ...
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4 stars from 2 ratings