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ASIN: B07R671T92
Publisher: USayWhatNow
Pages: 225

DeAndre ‘Dre’ Martin is just tired of it all and trying to be more in life. His ex-gf NiQuita doesn't want him to be great or live his best life...I mean well not without her of course. After the breakup she pops in and out of his life to try to ruin things but she wasn’t ready for Robin. Robin may have her own issues but she is there for Dre when he doesn’t even know she is. They been cool even when he was dating Quita but she didn’t see Robin as a threat. Not to forget lil Londyn, Robins daughter. Londyn is a soft spot for Dre since she is so adorable and somehow she conned him into taking a kitten in. Dre goes through the novel with ups and down but eventually he will find his way to happiness...just who will be there with him?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 5 ratings