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JK Ellem
Publisher: 28th Street Multimedia Group
Pages: 340

FROM BESTSELLING THRILLER AUTHOR, JK ELLEM - A serial killer domestic thriller“For the first time in 20 years, I actually read this entire book in less than 24 hours. It had me hooked after the first few pages.”When Rebecca Cartwright, young and recently widowed, moves into the gated community of Mill Point Road, in the township of Ravenwood, she thought she had found her sanctuary. Amongst the beautiful homes, manicured lawns, and high walls, she soon discovers that the other women of Mill Point Road aren’t what they seem.Detective Marvin Richards, a thirty-year veteran homicide cop from the tough streets of New York City moved to picturesque Ravenwood for peace and quiet. That was until a serial killer decided to dump their fourth victim near Mill Point Road. Then there is Haley Perez, a rookie patrol officer who graduated top of her class, the only female in her entire cohort. And ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,263 ratings