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Kristen Casey
Publisher: Gallant Fox Press
Pages: 433

Being in charge is a pain in the…Posterior. Rear end. Junk in the trunk. Those were some of the words that came to mind when the captivating woman walked into Red’s office that day. But now wasn’t the time to contemplate her ass…ets. Red needed to focus on the fact that his huge conglomerate had just bought out her dinky publisher—and this sexy little author was the key to a smooth transition.For all intents and purposes, Piper was his new star employee—so Red should not have cleared his schedule to take her dinner. He shouldn’t have flirted like it was his freaking birthday, and he sure as hell shouldn’t have gone and fallen for her. One more thing he shouldn’t have done? Omit the fact that his company owed her a lot of money. When his dirty little secret gets out, more than Red’s new business acquisition is on the line—his jaded heart is hanging in the balance, too. Unfortunately, his ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 11 ratings