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Weston Young
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 69

Are you ready to be your own boss and do what you love?If you want to start your own ranch you so can be in more control of your life than this book is for you.Here’s the deal:Most people love the idea of starting their own ranch, but they have no idea where to get started:How do you come up with a business plan for your ranch?How many acres should you have per cow?What business entity should your ranch be? Fortunately this book will give you the blueprint you need to build a ranch business that you love.Here are a few of the things you’ll discover in this book:How to identify sick or injured cattle.How to assimilate bulls with cows.How to sell beef cattle.Common mistakes even experienced ranchers make that can run you out of business.Different ways to structure your ranching business. Different types of insurance you’ll need to consider getting for your ranching business.How to acquire ...
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4 stars from 16 ratings