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Russell Gilwee
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 367

A tale of dark domestic suspense from the author of The Night Sitter. Hypnotic, relentlessly creepy, and wonderfully perverse. A scathing portrait of American suburbia.Welcome to a quiet and elegant neighborhood where nothing bad is ever supposed to happen. High-crowned trees arch over sleepy sidewalks, neatly trimmed lawns, lush flower gardens, and large turn-of-the-century homes, including a grand old Tudor of dark wood and dusty brick.The Whitfields live here. A seemingly perfect family from the outside. But this grand old Tudor is only a clever facade, hiding a darker truth. An unfaithful husband. A lovelorn housewife growing increasingly restless and desperate. And their daughter, a surly and secretive teenager.It is the eve of Halloween. Jack-o'-lanterns glimmer from porch shadows. Haughty glares and ghastly screams frozen as if by enchantment.The dark curtain of night falls ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 6 ratings