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Kay Lyons
Publisher: Kindred Spirits Publishing
Pages: 300

Widowed, a single mom, Christmas and she's just lost her job. Can it get worse? Apparently it can when Santa asks if he can help her and Jenna Darlington knows it's a cruel joke. Because Santa--Chance McKenna--is a member of the Rock Gods, a group of rock climbers who live off of adrenaline and stupidity. Been there, done that. Buried her husband because of it. She has no respect for a man who doesn't respect life--even if he is offering her a job.Chance knows exactly how Jenna feels about him and the rest of the Rock Gods. So why does he feel the way he does around her? They're polar opposites when it comes to life views. But isn't the saying that opposites attract?
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 79 ratings