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Michael Hesse
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 368

For seventy years America has fought a magical Cold War against the Thule sorcerers of the European Reich. But things are heating up again. . .Thorn was lucky. Most witches caught outside the Camps end up doing hard time. Some just disappear. When the Office of State Security offered Thorn a choice between a trial for black magic or parole to America's elite counter-sorcery unit, he jumped at the chance. Ten years in a Shadow Company uniform sounded like a better gig than life behind bars.But everything changes when Thorn's unit is sent to Mosul to eliminate Alarwi; a terrorist who throws spells like roadside bombs. In the bones of the ancient city, Thorn stumbles across a Thule plot to release the Quarternary of the Attitude. If these demon princes break free, they'll bring more than beer and pretzels to the party. They'll bring Hell itself to earth.While in pursuit of the architects ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 7 ratings