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Penny Appleton
Publisher: Curl Up Press
Pages: 212

A contemporary sweet romance set in the English countryside ... Clair Williams runs Riding with Challenges, a program for disabled youngsters, alongside her grandfather at Summerfield Stables. She loves her life with their horses and dogs but has always hoped for a special love and partnership of her own. As time goes on, she thinks it may have passed her by.David Bartlett-Brown is an officer in the British Army, injured on assignment. When he returns to his childhood home of Summerfield for rehabilitation, he is damaged and angry, afraid he may never get back to the life he loves. Therapeutic riding lessons with Clair start out as a catastrophe. But underneath, attraction sparks between two strong people.When Summerfield Stables is threatened, David returns to the military and Clair is forced to examine her options. Is it too late for love? Are they destined to travel their future ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 34 ratings