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Bernie Crosthwaite
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 293

“The police have received a phone call about a body. A young woman.”Press photographer Jude Baxendale lives a perfectly normal life in a perfectly normal town. Her son is about to go to university and has a lovely girlfriend, she has time to work on photography outside of work, and generally life is pretty okay. But when her story-hungry editor sends her and a fellow reporter to a crime scene after a tip off, her world is set a kilter. The victim? Her son’s girlfriend, Lara.Frustrated by a lack of police progress and with her son’s desperate need for closure ringing in her ears, Jude sets off to discover Lara’s last days. In her quest to find the truth, Jude will risk her job, her reputation, and even her sanity after she stumbles into the sights of a killer with a fanatical mission.If It Bleeds is a fast-paced thriller that will keep you guessing at every turn. This chiller by a former ...
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