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Sandy Ingram, C Ingram ECE
Publisher: Life Hack Publications
Pages: N/A

Every wonder if you'd be wasting your money on certain vacation ideas? Different types of vacations provide different benefits for kids, the parents, and the family as a unit. The best vacations include a reasonable budget, "me time" for parents and fun times for kids. Regardless of what type of vacation you want for your children, this book provides ideas and the educational benefits of each type of vacation. Parents are introduced to ways to lower the cost of family vacations by up to 40% depending on the number of family members. The book also includes ideas for single parents on how to implement a low budget, fun filled vacation for the kids and themselves. The educational component which makes travel fun and exciting for kids. regardless of the vacation destination, is revealed. Crazy family vacation ideas for families with teens and how to introduce your teen to ...
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