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Perry T. Matlin
Publisher: Wonderstruck Publishing
Pages: 303

Benjamin is a regular guy. He's a twenty-something college student, struggling with life, and heartbreak. When he volunteers to tag along on a collge tour with his little brother, everything changes. People are dropping like flies, but they aren't dying. They are rising up to feed on their fellow humans. Ben and his group must navigate the quickly changing world, as infected monsters hunt them. When they begin to build alliances, lives will change forever. The government falls, the military comes in, and greed takes over. Looters, gangs, and other criminal groups attack the living. Will they survive when the living and the dead have forsaken them? Will Ben even be able to recognize himself anymore, if he does survive? In the first book of this new explosive trilogy from YA author Perry T. Matlin, lives are at stake, society is crumbling, and the world around them is changing forever.
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 2 ratings