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Mark Hunter
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 211

Anyone can work in a convenience store, but some people really shouldn't... James Sims is a recent college graduate who has done everything by the book, but that doesn't mean that he has actually done anything right. With an expensive coffee coaster for a degree and no idea what he is going to do with the rest of his life, James finds himself working nights at the busiest gas station in his small Michigan town. It's the last place he should be. Shift Change is a misanthropic and confessional dark comedy. It's sometimes poignant but it's more often ridiculous. Either way, It's always self-indulgent. Based on the author's own experiences working in the service industry, Shift Change is an exploration of what happens when you never stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It's not for everybody.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 37 ratings